




As I intend writing this article, I raised the topic ‘women and men who really care about their bathrooms; and how both sex would want their desired bathrooms? The guys totally shun the questions.

I was amazed. At least, the few friends on facebook who contributed to the topic, only one guy out of about 25 responded to the question. All the women, about 30 of them, interestingly, they delightfully embraced the topic and gave insights to their preferred bathrooms.

You may argue that I didn’t have a large number of people feeding into the topic with their response. I may agree, but I must say it is their views and desire that should be respected. As much as it is to be respected, it is also to give us a perception of bathrooms on the side of men and women. I am also very sure the men knowing they have been defeated on this topic, will start the argument. Funny one there.

If you are a man reading this, let me ask you, women and men, who care more about their bathrooms? I know your answer already. But let me ask you this one briskly. Do you even have a desired bathroom at all? I am sure it has just struck in your mind, asking and wondering if you have ever thought of that.

Well, well, from the transient poll conducted on facebook, it gives a natural impression that, most women, if not all, are more concerned about their bathrooms than majority of men do. In terms of percentage, I will give men 5%.And the women, 93%. The remaining 2% I will use it to represent some women who will just be careless and to for them, everything goes. Maybe such percentage should be added to the men?

If you are still arguing to this extent, then, you are really the “doubting Thomas “you remember? Let me give you a surprise from the poll conducted. It might help you to argue undertone. Out of about 60 people who contributed shortly on my facebook chat list, the only man who responded DID NOT EVEN GO FOR MEN! His name is Daniel Asiedu, a practicing nurse at Asaman Kese, in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The conversation between him and I is as follows.

I­­--- men and women, who care so much about their bathrooms?

Daniel---It is women.


Daniel--Women need nice and neat bathrooms but men mostly don’t keep theirs neat

He went on to give me a flash back of how neat the bathrooms of women used to be ,back in the Senior High School and the boys cared less.`` You have forgotten how the ladies always scrub their bathhouse and  we do ours monthly?``,said  Daniel.

From this, how and why do you want to say I have been bias and spoken for the ladies, when 25 men were asked the question and didn’t even see the need for such a question?

It is conspicuous, women care about their bathrooms more than men do. In fact, women dream of their bathrooms, they care about its design, what goes into it, how to keep it and live their bathrooms like they care for themselves. As most women will pause a second to see if the make ups has not faded out on their  faces, the same way they would want to find out if things are in order at the bathroom.

As the men couldn’t have a thought of how their bathrooms should look like, the women told me about their desired bathrooms. Think of yours, as you read what some of the women shared about theirs.

 Precious Donkor, a Business Administrator for Nuri Telecom Ghana and a Student ,Graduate Training Institute, Legon, answered ,women, to the question-men and women who care so much about their bathrooms?

Unedited, this is what he had to say about her desired bathroom``a wider area is mostly preferred. Elegant, but easy to maintain .Bright, but not too colourful. ``

I asked her to explain what she meant by elegance and easy to maintain colour, she explained that ``I personally would prefer a grey and a white colour setting; so that, any towel blend with it. I mean, the design setting should be extra ordinary, different and classy. Again, so that-you don’t find it difficult to keep the place, but it is just as it is, for as long as it will exist’

Wait a minute! As a writer for home building and renovation issues, I must confess, I hadn’t thought of the colour of a towel matching the paint or tiles colour of my bathroom. It is a plus for the women. Ok, maybe because I am a man. Would you want to put me under the percentage of men who didn’t care about their bathrooms? You will be the best judge.  

All most all the women did not say men do better than them when it comes to bathroom care. Few of the numerous chats I shared with them and time can allow me share with you, too, is what one friend by name Regina Bekoe, told me about her desire bathroom.

Regina says she wants a very big space for her bathroom; one that can contain a shower at a separate side and a bath as well. She says sometimes she might feel like standing for a bath, and other times have a total relaxation in the bath, hence, her desire for a big space. Majority of the women preferred a neat and a tiled bath house. Other women also said for the neatness of their bathhouse, it should be cleaned every day.

 I am sure I have given you an insight of women’s desirable bathroom. Does it fit into yours? And the men, did you think of sweeping your bath house every day like the women do? How many of you scrub? I am laughing. You know why? In my opinion, I think it is an open truth that, men careless about their bathroom. Needs justification? Go into what some of the women have said. If you happen to be thinking of all what they have said before reading this article, then I am guilty for accusing you forcefully, which court do we go?

Judge it yourself. 

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